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Housing Through the Lens of Ageing

  • Submitted by: Graham Simpson, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 17 January 2019
  • Motion reference: S5M-15454
  • Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Tuesday, 29 January 2019

That the Parliament welcomes the publication in January 2019 of the report, Housing through the lens of Ageing: Integration, Communication and Community, an analysis of the Age Scotland Housing Project, which has been co-produced by Age Scotland and the University of Stirling; notes that this builds on previous research and has the aim of constructively progressing the thinking, debate and practice of the role of housing in the quality of life of older people by analysing housing research data gathered via a national housing roadshow and survey; commends the analysis undertaken by the university and, in particular, the input from its team of community researchers; notes that the topics covered in the research explored the views of older people on their current housing situation and changing needs, their experience of adaptations and energy efficiency measures, including how these have been funded; and if they had heard of or used their local care and repair scheme; acknowledges the recommendations on six key areas, strategic planning, information and advice, adaptations, housing with care or support, preventative support and new housing; believes that these findings can help to inform the development and implementation of the Scottish Government’s housing strategy for older people, Age, Home and Community, and notes the ambition to see collaborative efforts to take this important work forward so that older people in Central Scotland and across the country can live safe, healthy and independent lives at home for as long as possible.

Supported by: Jeremy Balfour, Michelle Ballantyne, Bill Bowman, Miles Briggs, Alexander Burnett, Donald Cameron, Alex Cole-Hamilton, Maurice Corry, Murdo Fraser, Kenneth Gibson, Maurice Golden, Jamie Greene, Rachael Hamilton, Alison Harris, Liam Kerr, Monica Lennon, Gordon Lindhurst, Lewis Macdonald, Tom Mason, Edward Mountain, John Scott, Brian Whittle, Andy Wightman