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Parliament research and fact sheets

Keeping up to date

The Scottish Parliament website is the primary source of information for what’s happening in the Parliament.

The Business Bulletin lists what’s happening each day (and the following two weeks). This includes a list of what debates are taking place, what questions have been selected, and what ministerial statements are being made. It also includes information on committee meetings and list of all Bills in progress.

The Scottish Parliament sends out an eBulletin newsletter that contains information on parliamentary business and events, as well as calls for views, petitions, briefings and job opportunities. It is normally issued weekly (fortnightly in recess).  

Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe)

SPICe is the Parliament’s internal research hub and provides an impartial information and research service to MSPs.  SPICe provides a range of engagement opportunities for academics to engage with SPICe colleagues and the wider Parliament. Opportunities are listed through the SPAN Network and via our X (formerly Twitter) account @spice_research.

SPICe produce blogs and briefings in response to the information needs of parliamentarians and are a useful way to see what topics MSPs are working on.


Committees play a central part in the work of the Parliament. This is where MSPs scrutinise the work of the Scottish Government

Each committee in the Parliament have their own web pages where you will find information about the remit and membership of the committee. You will also find information on what topics a committee is covering.   

More information on the work of Committees

Cross-Party Groups

Cross-Party Groups (CPGs) provide an opportunity for MSPs of all parties and outside organisations, including academics, to meet and discuss a shared interest in a cause or subject.

Joining a CPG will enable you to meet with MSPs. The Parliament’s website contains an A-Z list of CPGs with details of their individual remits as well as information on how to get involved.

More information on Cross-Party Groups


As well as keeping up to date with what issues the Parliament in currently looking at, it helps to be aware of what work is coming up.

The Scottish Government’s Programme for Government is published every year at the beginning of September and sets out the actions the Scottish Government plan to take in the coming year and beyond. 

As the role of the Scottish Parliament is to scrutinise the work of the Scottish Government, staff working in the Parliament will use the Programme for Government to shape their work programmes for the coming year. This can include identifying where academic expertise will be required.

Scotland's Futures Forum is the Scottish Parliament's think-tank. It works with MSPs of the Scottish Parliament to look beyond the electoral cycle and stimulate debate on the long-term challenges and opportunities that Scotland faces.

It hosts events, supports research and encourages creative reflections on our shared future. Its work is designed to inform and provoke ideas about what we should be doing now to secure a positive future for all of Scotland.